
Help People Leave Ukraine e.V.
Pascal Iwkin
Plauerhaeger Str. 26
19395 Plau am See

Association registration number at the District Court of Schwerin VR 10510

Tel.: +49 32 222005306

Donation Bank Account:
Owner: Help People Leave Ukraine e.V.
IBAN: DE33140520001711620927


The purpose of this website is to support the work of volunteers and to provide a point of contact between those seeking help and those offering it. After contact is made further communication and consequent actions lie beyond the website’s and its provider’s responsibility.

No contract – neither offer nor acceptance – shall be concluded between the operator of this website and any users. There is no intention to form any legal relations. No liability is assumed for content posted by users. According to §§ 8-10 TMG the operator of this website is not responsible for external information or activities on the website.

Data protection

The processing of personal data is based on the consent of the users according to Art. 6 I No. 1 DSGVO. This consent can be revoked at any time. Which data is transmitted to the operator of the website can be seen from the respective input forms. Data is only stored for the time necessary to achieve the purpose of this website.


The contents shown on this website are subject to German copyright law.

Date: 27. Feb 2022